List of Security Labs
Lab 1: Installing Rocky Linux
- Installing the Operating System
Lab 2: Patching the System
- Updating and Patching
- Configuring and using dnf
- Third party solutions
Lab 3: Auditing the System
- A simple home grown integrity checker
- Tripwire
- Integrity checking and viewing reports
- Fine tuning tripwire
- netstat
- lsof
- nmap
- rpcinfo
- tcpdump
- telnet
Lab 5: Local Security
- Cracking the system through the boot loader
- Password protecting the boot loader
- Disabling un-necessary tty’s
- Disabling reboot via CTRL+ALT+DEL
- Enforcing password prompting in single user-mode
- Set-UID programs
- John the ripper
Lab 6: A staged Hack
- The PATH
Lab 7: TCP wrappers
- Tcp_wrappers
Lab 8: Iptables
- Iptables essentials
- Basic Packet Filtering
- Basic Packet Forwarding
Lab 9: Cryptography
- GnuPG
- Key Administration
- Revocation certificates
- Digital signatures
- Encrypting and decrypting files
- sshd
- ssh
- scp
- Authenticating via Public-Key
- ssh-agent
Lab 10: Kernel Level Security
- Installing GRsecurity
- gradm
- ACLs
- GRsecurity Learning mode
- SElinux
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